Environmentally Focused Sustainable Feeding Solutions

Yayın Tarihi | 28 August 2024, Wednesday

Due to the increase in global temperature, the change of climate zones, the disruption of precipitation regimes, the decrease in the amount of precipitation per unit area, the disappearance of underground water resources, and in addition to these, the pollution of soil and water is a problem that we have started to face today and it is clearly seen that its severity will increase if no measures are taken.


In order to prevent water scarcity, which is one of the biggest threats in the field of agriculture and livestock in the near future, effective measures need to be taken in different areas. When water consumption is examined on an annual basis, the share of agricultural irrigation is quite high, especially in countries where agriculture and livestock are widespread.


Within agricultural irrigation, roughage crop farming also has a significant share. Sustainable livestock is not just a concept based on animal production. In this context, many issues such as soil, climate, water resources, irrigation models, environmental pollution, and carbon footprint are included. From this perspective, while many risks that could threaten animal production are seen, it is understood that the most important issue among the current problems of agriculture and livestock is the danger of water scarcity.


Due to the geographical structure of our country, there are variable climate and soil characteristics in different regions. Especially in places where the land is arid and precipitation is low and irregular, the most suitable forage crops for these conditions should be determined, and animal feeding should be based on these crops.

In areas where irrigation can be done, forage crops that will provide the highest yield with the least water should be researched. Measures in production processes alone are not sufficient. In addition to these, methodological studies should be conducted to ensure the most effective use of the obtained forage crops. Losses in the stages of production, conservation, storage, preparation of the ration, and serving to animals should also be minimized.


Considering all these, the production and use of forage crops, which is one of the fundamental elements of sustainability in animal production, should be approached through three main themes.

1-Minimizing environmental impacts
2-Producing forage crops that can ensure high-yield and quality animal production
3-Using the produced forage in the most effective way